Happy Holidays and Summer Fun!
Its vacation time, folks! The screams of excited children reverberate through the school corridor…Little A (yes, I would like to mention him by this name on the blog going forward) is excited too but doesn't actually understand yet what the chorus of Happy Holidays mean…he and his friends are joining in their moms' revelry who are just as excited for 'their' long overdue holiday. Now for a child who loves going to school, it spells bad news and for a work-from-home mom, it generates mixed feelings. Its nice that kiddo is going to be home but for 2 long months…the thought is a little unnerving!! I faintly remember feeling ecstatic for summer vacations in school days but I'm sure my parents would have been equally unnerved as every vacation we siblings would transform our home into a devils' s workshop.The tables have turned :) Back in those days, there were very limited things we could do..learn an activity limited to music/dance or swimming; or read Secr...